2022-05-30 15:24:51
Why is the cross-border ecommerce service resource so essential?跨境电商服务网络资源为什么尤为重要Services provided by the third parties are indispensable to the cross-border ecommerce industry。Services such as international trade, cross-border payment, logistics, marketing, technical support, legal compliance brought by professional platforms and institutions are in tremendous blossom, meantime leading e-commerce industry into the next developing phase.做跨境电商,并没有谁可以离不开第三方服务。买卖、付款、货运物流、营销推广、技术性、合规管理等服务,以服务平台或是技术专业结构的商圈方法很多不断涌现,是领着跨境电商一次次优化提高的先峰能量。The resources of manufacture and consumption are scattered all over our globe. For the purpose of building up the express way between manufactures and the consumers, sharing and standardizing that implemented by professional third party platforms and institutions become our core values.生产制造和购买网络资源相对高度分散化在世界各地,只有服务网络资源全球共享资源、通用性,第三方平台和技术专业服务组织聚集而成的跨境电商服务网络资源,是全球产品迅速到达客户的高速路和摆渡人。What’s the purpose of The 1st Global Cross-border Ecommerce Service and Resource Conference?第一届《全球跨境电商服务网络资源大会》发展目标?The 1st Global Cross-border Ecommerce Service and Resource Conference is a grand meeting for all third party services providers. Firstly, this conference aims to become the most active marketing and services trading platform, to hand out the latest trends of global cross-border market, demands of clients and current situations in emerging markets. Secondly, the best fulfillment service providers could demonstrate their advantages in cross-border payment, transportation and oversea warehousing, so as to develop the whole package service solution that includes financing, logistics and such. Thirdly, the best legal compliance services providers could share the latest international registration, taxation and IP knowledges, especially in how to deal with the VAT issues and IP cases correctly. Fourthly, the cutting-edge technology service providers could deliver their applications in regards to AI., big data and blockchain, especially in how to construct themes of precision marketing, social e-commerce and blockchain finance.第一届《全球跨境电商服务网络资源大会》是全球跨境电商第三方服务的盛典。一是最活泼的销售和买卖服务服务平台,传送跨境电商全新销售市场变动和用户需求,尤其是新兴经济体的状况。二是最优异的交货服务商,传送第三方支付、货运物流、海外仓储的全新服务优点,尤其是进一步向金融业、供应链管理方位给予的综合性服务。三是最专业的的合规管理服务组织,传送国际认证、税收、专利权的全新解决方法,尤其是VAT、专利权案子的技术专业处理。四是前沿的技术性情景,传送人工智能技术、互联网大数据、区块链技术的落实运用,尤其是大数据营销、社区电商平台、区块链金融意味着的优化情景。On one hand, the conference is a great event for service providers to show their abilities and to communicate with each other. On the other hand, the conference is determined to assist traditional trade entities, manufactures, cross-border sellers and buyers in having the foresight of industry trends, meanwhile to get connected with third party service providers.一方面,大会是全球跨境电商第三方服务企业宣传整体实力、讨论最前沿的商业活动,另一方面,大会也是有利于传统式进出口贸易及制造企业、跨境电商商家及供应商看清领域方位, 找寻技术专业第三方服务商的工作连接大会。Why will the conference be held in Chengdu?大会主办地为什么挑选成都市?Chengdu has a fully-grown market for cross-border e-commerce, in comparison with Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which is no less weak accordingly. The local internet commercial environment is quite friendly and could positively affect the south-west region of China. Chengdu has a population of 22 million, ranked No.2 as “the most active travel destination” globally and is aiming to become the international portal of west China that is inspired by the “one belt one road” initiative.成都是与“北京市、上杭、广佛”息息相通的跨境电商发展潜力销售市场,是具有地区辐射源工作能力和互联网产业经营环境的产业链核心。成都市或是人口数量2000万左右的特大城市,是全球排行第二的“提高极具魅力旅行目的地”,是加快打造出中西部国际性门户网核心区、基本建设“一带一路”对外开放堡垒的国际化大都市。跟随跨境平台走,她们了解销售市场Follow the step of cross-border platforms, they know the market.跟随跨境电商营销推广走,她们了解内心Follow the step of marketing service providers, they know consumers.跟随第三方支付走,她们了解前途Follow the step of payment service providers, they know how fund flow.跟随代运营公司走,她们了解方式Follow the step of operation service providers, they know the method.跟随货运物流服务走,她们了解高效率Follow the step of logistics service providers, they know efficiency.跟随技术性服务走,她们了解感受Follow the step of technical service providers, they know user experience.跟随法律法规服务走,她们了解合规管理Follow the step of legal service providers, the know regulations.跟随供应链管理走,她们了解方式Follow the step of supply chain service providers, they know channels.跟随服务商走,她们了解方位Follow the step of cross border e-commerce service providers, they know the orientation.
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